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Police, SFO and FCA give evidence on the Bribery Act 2010

23 October 2018

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Select Committee on the Bribery Act 2010 hears evidence from the City of London Police, the Serious Fraud Office and the Financial Conduct Authority about how the UK deals with bribery cases, whether there is sufficient funding and resources, and what improvements could be made.


Tuesday 23 October in Committee Room 4, Palace of Westminster

At 10.35am

  • Commander Karen Baxter, National Coordinator for Economic Crime, City of London Police
  • Mike Betts, Head of Learning and Skills, City of London Police Economic Crime Academy

At 11.35am

  • Hannah von Dadelszen, Head of Fraud, Serious Fraud Office
  • Mark Steward, Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight, Financial Conduct Authority

Possible questions

  • What kind of bribery cases does the City of London Police typically handle, and what trends have you observed since the Bribery Act has been in force? 
  • How can use of the Bribery Act be encouraged?
  • What mechanisms do UK law enforcement agencies currently have for sharing information/intelligence in respect of suspected bribery? Could these be improved?
  • Are police resources and training with regard to the Bribery Act currently adequate?
  • What are the respective roles of the SFO and the FCA with respect to enforcement of the Bribery Act 2010?
  • Are the funding models of the SFO and the FCA capable of delivering effective enforcement of bribery in the UK and by UK companies abroad?
  • How are decisions taken with regard to who is offered a Deferred Prosecution Agreement? Why, for example, was Rolls-Royce offered a DPA despite its decision not to self-report?

Make sure to look for the #HLBriberyAct on Twitter

Further Information

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