Competition and Markets Authority give evidence on financial exclusion
29 November 2016
In the first of two sessions, the Select Committee on Financial Exclusion considers how promoting competition between financial service providers might impact the affordability of financial services. A second evidence session focuses on how education can improve personal financial capability.
Tuesday 29 November, Committee Room 2A, Palace of Westminster
At 10.40am
- Adam Land, Senior Director, Remedies, Business and Financial Analysis, Competition and Markets Authority
- Bill Roberts, Remedies Director, Lead for the “Open API” remedy, Competition and Markets Authority
- Professor Alasdair Smith, Chair, Retail Banking Market Investigation, Competition and Markets Authority
At 11.40am
- Jonquil Lowe, Senior Lecturer in Economics and Personal Finance and Member, True Potential Centre for the Public Understanding of Finance (PUFin), Open University
- Martin Upton, Senior Lecturer in Finance and Director, True Potential Centre for the Public Understanding of Finance (PUFin), Open University
Possible questions
- How will the Open Banking Standard, due to be fully introduced by 2019, help to address financial exclusion?
- To what extent have the recommendations and remedies identified in the 2015 CMA investigation into the payday lending market been implemented?
- What are the difficulties of running effective financial education in schools?
- What should be the role of further education and adult education colleges in promoting financial capability among their students?
- What should be the role of the successor to the Money Advice Service (MAS) in tackling financial exclusion?
Further information
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