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Resolution Foundation Chair gives evidence to Lords Committee

10 July 2018

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The Select Committee on Intergenerational Fairness and Provision starts its public evidence sessions by hearing from Lord Willetts, Executive Chair of the Resolution Foundation. The evidence session focuses on proposals made in the final report by the Intergenerational Commission, convened by the Resolution Foundation and chaired by Lord Willetts.

Committee Chairman

The Chairman of the Committee,Lord True, said:

“The notion of intergenerational fairness has recently become the subject of increased interest and debate. There is clearly a perception that the younger generations face new challenges that their predecessors did not.

“Rather than seek to divide groups and align them against each other, a more constructive approach would be to consider how we can use the gifts and circumstances of each generation to benefit others. Life is not a snapshot; we are all moving on a continuum across the generations.

“Our inquiry will seek to get to the bottom of three important aspects in this area: housing, jobs and the role of communities. I hope we will be able to provide some innovative proposals to influence the debate and make progress on these key issues. Our evidence session with Lord Willetts, who has become very well known for his research on intergenerational fairness, will help us kick off our inquiry and frame our thinking.”


Tuesday 10 July in Committee Room 4A, Palace of Westminster

At 11.40am

  • Rt Hon. Lord Willetts, Executive Chair, Resolution Foundation.

Possible questions

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • Whether the intergenerational contract between generations is under threat?
  • To what extent younger workers have a better or worse experience of the labour market than the previous generations?
  • Whether tax changes could contribute to greater fairness in the housing market?
  • Whether the planning process incentivises provision of suitable housing both for young people and older people?
  • The role of communities and intergenerational contact in achieving a new intergenerational settlement. 

Further information

Image: iStockphoto