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Are rural communities being left behind by Government?

10 November 2017


The Select Committee on the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 continues its inquiry with two evidence sessions. The sessions will focus on how Government policy could change to better support the needs of rural communities and why there is such difficulty in obtaining houses in rural areas.


At 11.05am

  • Margaret Clark CBE, Chair, Rural Coalition
  • Jeremy Leggett, Trustee, Action with Communities in Rural England

At 12.05pm

  • Graham Biggs MBE, Chief, Rural Services Network
  • Sue Chalkley OBE, Chief Executive, Hastoe Housing Association

Possible questions

  • To what extent has the abolition of the Commission for Rural Communities led to a fragmentation of the rural voice?
  • Is it realistic to expect Government policy to be 'rural-proofed'?
  • What are the challenges which currently limit the potential for rural-proofing, and how might these be overcome?
  • What are the potential implications of Brexit for rural businesses and communities?
  • In recent years, where has the rural-proofing of policy worked well and where less well?
  • What challenges face people trying to obtain a home in rural areas?

Further information

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