Is the NERC Act 2006 fit for purpose?
31 August 2017
The Select Committee on the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 takes evidence from Lord Haskins, who led the 2003 Rural Delivery Review, influencing key parts of NERC Act 2006, as well as Dr Stuart Burgess CBE, the former chair of the Commission for Rural Communities.
- Parliament TV: Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006
- Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 Committee
Tuesday 5 September, Committee Room 1, Palace of Westminster
At 11.05am
- Lord Haskins
At 12.05pm
- Dr Stuart Burgess CBE, former Chair of the Commission for Rural Communities
Possible questions
- How closely does Natural England match the initial vision that you set out for such an organisation in your 2003 review? Has it worked as you envisaged it would?
- Where do you think policy affecting rural areas is currently at its most and least effective in England?
- What were your concerns when the Commission for Rural Communities was disbanded, and have those concerns materialised subsequently?
- Aside from creating the CRC, how well did the 2006 Act engage with social and economic rural issues in general? What, if anything, was missing from the structures and provisions established by the 2006 Act?
Further information
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