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Environment Agency, NERC, and LEPs to give evidence to Committee

11 December 2018

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Regenerating Seaside Towns Committee will be taking evidence from two panels of witnesses.The first panel will focus on coastal erosion and flood risk, while the second focuses on the role of local enterprise partnerships (LEPs).


Tuesday 11 December in Committee Room 2A, Palace of Westminster

At approximately 3.20pm

  • Catherine Wright, Director of Digital & Skills (Flood & Coastal Risk Management), Environment Agency
  • Dr Ned Garnett, Associate Director of Research, Natural Environment Research Council

At approximately 4.10pm

  • Mr Adam Bryan, Managing Director, South East LEP
  • Mr Jonathan Sharrock, Chief Executive, Coast to Capital LEP

Possible questions

Questions the Committee is likely to ask include:

  • How big a threat is coastal erosion and flooding to seaside towns and communities?
  • Is sufficient funding available to tackle the effects of coastal erosion?
  • How can spending on coastal defences deliver better value for money?
  • How does the approach taken by local authorities to coastal defence schemes vary? Can this be improved?
  • What is being done to improve the quality of the bathing water around seaside towns? How important is this for the tourism offer of seaside towns?
  • How can LEPs help seaside towns to diversify their economies and support regeneration in coastal areas?
  • What level of focus do LEPs give to the needs of seaside towns – and are they more focused upon cities and major urban centres?
  • How might coastal towns and communities benefit from the proposed Shared Prosperity Fund?
  • How could changes to public funding better support longer-term planning and foster more sustainable regeneration in coastal areas?
  • What consideration should be given to seaside towns and coastal communities during the development of Local Industrial Strategies?

Further information

Image: iStockphoto