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How can young people be best prepared for the world of work?

27 July 2015

Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The House of Lords Select Committee on Social Mobility has published its call for evidence. The deadline for submitting written evidence is 1 October 2015.

The Committee, appointed to investigate the transition from school to work for young people, is investigating the complex choices young people are faced with when considering career options.

Areas of interest

The economy is changing and employers demand more and more from their young recruits, meaning that young people without a degree are often put at the bottom of the pile. Much work has already been done on those who take the A-level and university route, and on those who are classified as not in employment, education or training (NEETs). There are, however, those who fall between these two groups. This group of young people are particularly vulnerable in the labour market. They often study less recognised qualifications (such as NVQs, HNCs, HNDs, BTECs, tech levels, applied general qualifications, or diplomas) and not much is known about who they are.

The Committee wants to know who is in this group, why they are in this position and what can be improved to help them, and all young people, gain good quality employment.

Chair's comment

Baroness Corston, Chair of the Committee, said:

"The current generation of young people has the worse chances in recent memory of being able to enter the workforce successfully. In the context of rising inequality in the UK, we all have a responsibility to ensure that future generations have the opportunity to enjoy a career for which they are properly equipped.

"Recently, focus has been placed on those who study A-levels and who are able to go on to university, and those who are not in education, employment or training at all. We want to look at the group that falls between these two categories. They are often known as the 'missing' middle, and could make up as much as 50 per cent or half of all of 16-19 year olds – if not more. Too little attention has been given to this group for too long, and we hope to establish with our inquiry what this group needs by talking to businesses, experts and most importantly, young people.

"If you are involved in further education, businesses involved in apprenticeships, careers guidance, or any other body or organisation which works with this age group, we want to hear from you. And we want you to encourage the young people you work with to complete our questionnaire. After all, this inquiry is about them – we want to make it as easy as possible for them to let us hear their voices."


Further information

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