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Chair Nominations Open for Energy Security Net Zero

29 March 2023

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Nominations are now open for Chair of new Select Committee on Energy Security and Net Zero following the House of Commons agreement to create a new Select Committee to examine the spending, policies and administration of the Department.

The nominations period will run from Monday 27 March to Monday 24 April. The new Chair will be elected from the Scottish National Party.

On this page you can find the list of nominees with any accompanying statements as they come in.

Kirsty Blackman


MP for Aberdeen North

Nominated by (own party)

Mhairi Black, Angela Crawley, Ms Anum Qaisar, Amy Callaghan, Hannah Bardell

Nominated by (other parties, or no party)

Alex Davies-Jones, Liz Saville Roberts, Caroline Lucas, Wendy Chamberlain, Claire Hanna

Relevant interests declared


Candidate Statement

I am delighted to have been nominated as a candidate for election as Chair of the Energy Security and Net Zero Committee.  For most of our constituents, energy has rarely been a bigger concern than it is right now. 

If elected I will do what I can to ensure the UK Government are transparent and coherent about their efforts to meet our legally binding net zero commitments.  I will ensure the Committee scrutinises the implementation and effect of the current schemes to support energy consumers with their bills and will hold the Department to its commitment to deliver long-term reform to improve how the electricity market works for both families and businesses. 

I have filled both the roles of SNP Shadow Chancellor (the first woman ever to lead on this in the House of Commons) and SNP Shadow DWP Secretary and so I well understand the impact on both businesses and families of the current energy price level. 

As an Aberdeen MP, I have regularly spoken on energy issues in the Chamber and have been vice chair of the APPG on the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry for several years.  I, therefore, have an excellent understanding of the potential economic benefits of Net Zero including the jobs and growth potentially created by investment.  I have asked questions and held discussions on CCUS and will ensure the UK Government assists in progressing the development of this technology in the UK. 

I have led for the SNP on a significant number of bill committees, contributing more to these than any of my party colleagues since my election in 2015.  I have taken part in the Subsidy Control Bill, the Customs Bill, various Finance Bills, the Online Safety Bill, the ARIA Bill and the Nuclear Financing Bill, among others.  Colleagues who have participated with me in these committees will be able to vouch for my ability to gain an in depth understanding of the matters and to write pertinent amendments and ask Ministers tricky questions. 

Additionally, I am an experienced Select Committee Member, sitting on EFRA, Procedure and Scottish Affairs during my time in parliament, as well as the Statutory Instruments Sifting Committee. 

If elected, I will work with experts from across industry, NGOs and the public sector to get the best possible advice and evidence for the committee.  I will hold the UK Government and Ministers to account for their promises and will push for policy to, at the very least, match stated ambition on tackling our contribution to climate change.  I will work with and listen to members from all parties and none on these aims and I won't be scared to tackle difficult or complicated issues. 

If you have any questions please catch me in the chamber or tearoom, or send me an email and I’d be happy to answer or to meet up for a chat. 


Stewart Malcolm McDonald

Nominated by (own party)

Alyn Smith, Chris Law, Deidre Brock, Dr Philippa Whitford, Dave Doogan 

Nominated by (other parties, or no party)

Alicia Kearns, Simon Hoare, Royston Smith, Sir Chris Bryant, Christine Jardine 

Relevant interests declared


Angus Brendan MacNeil


Nominated by (own party)

Stewart Hosie, Joanna Cherry, Stuart C McDonald, Patricia Gibson, Carol Monaghan

Nominated by (other parties, or no party)

Emma Hardy, Anthony Mangnall, Dr Dan Poulter, Paul Girvan, Rushanara Ali

Relevant interests declared


Candidate Statement

Energy is of course a very important part of our world, especially noticeable since the start of the war in Ukraine.  I have a lot of experience in the Energy and Net Zero sphere, as I was the previous Chair of the Energy & Climate Change Committee, where we had to deal with the balances, dilemmas and indeed trilemmas that come along in the energy space.    

One of the main issues facing any new committee will be the subsequent energy bills for domestic customers across the UK, I believe these can be lowered and this will be one of my first acts as Chair to get members of the committee to agree to an inquiry to see how we can reduce household fuel bills from Surrey to Sutherland, by investigating the structure of the energy market. 

Net Zero is of course important and the role of innovation and policy especially, it is undoubtedly one of the many challenges that lies ahead as there are a number of competing interests in this area and sectors with their interests need to be understood and scrutinised. I believe it can be done well but it must be done with understanding, where all interests, like in energy, get to present their evidence. 

As previous Chair of Energy & Climate Change Committee, as well as most recently the International Trade Committee, I have worked well with colleagues from all parties and intend to do so in the future. Colleagues from both previous committees have been very supportive of my bid to become Chair of Energy & Net Zero Committee and I thank them for this, regardless of the result. 

I do hope you will vote for me, and my door is always open to any MP with any suggestions for what they would like to see taken forward by the Committee. 

Further information

Image: CC0