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FTSE 100 company pay ratios

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on FTSE 100 company pay ratios with Siobhain McDonagh MP.

Jan 17 2019 4:00PM - Jan 23 2019 4:00PM

The Facebook discussion card ran from 17 - 23 January 2019.

Speaking during the debate, Siobhain McDonagh said: "before this debate, the House of Commons digital engagement team kindly sought the views of the public on this matter. One person said that

“when their employees are working full time and not being able to afford proper accommodation, energy, food, transport or children, suddenly the difference in pay seems rather stark.”

Another person suggested that

“there should be a pay ratio, so if CEOs wish to continue enjoying these luxuries they must ensure that their lowest paid employees are earning a sufficient amount.”"

You can watch the debate on Parliament TV or read the Hansard report.