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Ways to engage with Parliament

There are a variety of ways researchers can engage with Parliament, explored below. But first, what’s it like to engage with Parliament as a researcher?

We have interviewed six researchers about their experience of engaging with Parliament. Check out our academic stories to find out more about their experiences and how you can get involved.

Give evidence

Select Committees

When the Commons and Lords Select Committees announce an inquiry, they invite the public – including academics – to submit written evidence: (in the Commons these are called 'terms of reference', whilst in the Lords a 'call for evidence' is published). The Committees then invite groups or individuals to give oral evidence.

Public Bill Committees

After the second reading of a bill, it is often referred to a Public Bill Committee for further scrutiny. They may choose to receive written and oral evidence, including from academics.

All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs)

APPGs carry out their own inquiries for which they sometimes use evidence.

Provide specialist advice

Select Committees

Select Committees may appoint specialist advisers for their inquiries and these are often academics.

Watch our video to hear from two specialist advisers about how they work with Parliament to share their expertise.

Being a specialist adviser at UK Parliament

Watch to find out what it's like to be a specialist adviser at UK Parliament

Here is a transcript of the video.

Find out more about Select Committees

Contribute to a briefing

Commons and Lords Libraries

Library staff may draw on academic research when drafting briefings and debate packs.

Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST)

When researching a POSTnote staff engage with academic literature and directly with academics.  

Peer review

Commons and Lords Libraries

Library staff may seek academic researchers to peer review their briefings.

Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST)

All POST's briefings are reviewed by external experts, including contributors.

Share knowledge and research

Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST)

POST holds events to bring MPs, Peers and parliamentary staff together with relevant experts, and invites proposals for POSTnote topics.

Commons and Lords Libraries

As well as when writing briefings, Library staff may consult academics when responding to an enquiry from a Member of Parliament.

All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs)

APPGs hold events where they invite speakers, including academic experts.

MPs, Peers or their researchers

Nearly all MPs and some Peers have staff working directly for them. Members use research to inform their scrutiny of the Government, for example through asking questions in the Chambers. MPs and Peers have summaries of their parliamentary activities, including their areas of interest.

Contribute to Devolved Administrations

Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own legislative authorities, and each of these draw on academic research.

Help Parliament find your research

These channels are not the only ways to share your research with Parliament. 

Parliamentarians and their staff also discover research through the media, the Internet and third sector organisations as well as other routes.

Increasing your visibility through blogging, social media and engaging with the media will help Parliamentarians and their staff to discover your research.


Support your engagement with Parliament by attending training and events.