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Dr Alisha Ali, Associate Professor, Sheffield Hallam University


In this video interview, Dr Alisha Ali describes her experience of engaging with a House of Commons select committee.

Video interview - Dr Alisha Ali

Recorded Summer 2021. 4 mins 57 seconds

Here is a transcript of the video interview.

Below you can find some selected quotes from the video interview.


“...I never thought my research would be relevant to Parliament at all, I couldn’t even think that […] I can contribute to policy with my research, so therefore going to that event really opened my eyes to the opportunities and things I can become more involved with.”


“Now I follow the Knowledge Exchange Unit on Twitter to see what’s happening, I keep my eye out for new calls, I keep an eye out on the All Party working groups to see if there is anything I can contribute to.”


“I think it also forced me to sharpen my writing style, because writing for Parliament is very different to writing for an academic paper, and you need to make sure […] you have those points very clearly on top in terms of what is the impact going to be, and I think it was really useful in terms of really helping me to think about, you know, what is the problem that I’m trying to solve, and how am I going to solve it and what is the impact going to be.”


Useful links

Find out more about select committees in the UK Parliament.

Look through a list of all UK Parliament select committees.

Watch our online training for researchers about how to work with select committees.

Watch our online training for researchers about exploring select committee evidence. 

Watch a recording of our online training on how to write for a parliamentary audience.

Read our ‘how to’ guides on engaging with Parliament as a researcher, including on submitting evidence to select committees.

Find out more about the Knowledge Exchange Unit’s event for women researchers and our work to increase the diversity of researchers engaging with Parliament.