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Dr Ems Lord, Research Fellow and Director of NRICH, University of Cambridge


Twitter: @nrichmaths / @DrEmsLord

In this video interview, Dr Ems Lord describes her experience of engaging with an All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG).

Video interview - Dr Ems Lord

Recorded Summer 2021. 6 minutes 4 seconds.

Here is a transcript of the video interview.

Below you can find some selected quotes from the video interview.


“... one day, an email came into my inbox which was talking about a day for researchers to engage with Parliament. So, I clicked on it, and it turns out it was a really good decision, because I went to that day – it was held over in Norwich - by a fantastic team who knew all different ways of engaging […] they took us through the difference between Government and Parliament, because, [in] everyday language, we use them the same way, but they mean different things.”


“...if I want to engage more widely, I need to think about what issues are affecting other people, and get them engaged in what I do. And so, through the training and through engaging with Parliament, I’ve started to put myself more into other people’s shoes.”


“The approaches that I might take, what’s worked well and the difficulties I’ve faced are transferable to other areas... my top tip would be to think really carefully how whatever your research area is, how that can benefit other people, and other people who may be way outside your normal comfort zone and people that you work with.”


Useful links

Find out more about the Knowledge Exchange Unit’s in person and online Parliament for Researchers training.

Find out more about All Party Parliamentary Groups in the UK Parliament.

Watch a recording of our online training about engaging with Parliament as a researcher.

Watch a recording of our online training on how to write for a parliamentary audience.

Read our ‘how to’ guides on engaging with Parliament as a researcher.