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Members' allowances and expenses

Most Members of the House of Lords do not receive a salary for their parliamentary duties and are eligible to receive allowances and, within certain limits, travel expenses. 

Allowances and expenses claims
View the latest information on Members' claims for daily attendance allowances and travel costs published on a monthly basis.

Explanatory notes
Notes setting out what the figures for allowances and expenses claims cover applying to each financial year starting from 2001/02.

System of financial support for Members of the House of Lords
Information on the current system of financial support for Members of the Lords.

Information on other expenses incurred by Members
Information on Lords' Outreach Programme, Lords as Representatives of the House, and Disability costs.

Law Lords' expenses
Claims for attendance expenses starting from the financial year 2001/02 until 2009/10 when the Law Lords were disqualified from sitting in the House of Lords.

Investigations of complaints
Investigations carried out where there was concern that rules relating to Lords' allowances may have been breached.

Related information

View claims in previous budget periods for allowances and expenses:


Register of Lords' Interests

The Code of Conduct requires Members of the Lords to register financial interests that might reasonably be thought to influence their parliamentary actions.


Lords’ Conduct (Sub-Committee)

The Sub-Committee on Lords' Conduct undertakes detailed consideration of matters relating to the Code of Conduct.


Making a complaint

To make a complaint about the conduct of a Member of the Lords write to the Lords Commissioner for Standards.