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Science, technology and the developing world

Clean Water and MDGs

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 1.6 billion people have gained access to clean water since 1990. However, 42% of the world's population (2.6 billion people) still lack access to basic sanitation and 1.1 billion do not have access to clean water. This POSTnote reviews the challenges faced and the lessons learned from interventions aimed at improving access to clean water to date, examining issues such as the role of new technologies and the sustainability of new initiatives. For further information please contact Peter Acuch or Chandrika Nath.

Preparing for Natural Disasters in Developing Countries

Four page POSTnote, Winter 2011

The humanitarian impact of a natural disaster is closely linked to the level of a nation's development; over 95% of deaths from rapid-onset natural disasters (such as floods, earthquakes and tsunamis) take place in developing countries. Unplanned and rapid urban growth, high population densities, low standards in building construction and inadequate systems for relaying warnings to at-risk communities are among the reasons for this disparity.

In this POSTnote the role that science and technology can play before, during and after natural disasters is considered; with specific focus on the developing world whilst acknowledging wider factors such as logistics and international relationships. For further information please contact Martin Goodfellow.