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Commons Hansard (The Official Report)

Hansard is an edited record of what was said in Parliament. It also includes votes, written ministerial statements and written answers to parliamentary questions.

The Official Report

The Official Report, also known as Hansard, is responsible for producing reports of the proceedings of the main Chamber of the House of Commons, of Westminster Hall and of Public Bill Committees. It also prints Ministers' written statements and is responsible for the reporting of Select Committee oral evidence.

The Official Report directorate also operates the annunciator screens situated around Parliament, which show who is speaking in the Commons, and Parliament's broadcasting operation. You can watch any debate live or on demand on

Read Hansard

  • You can read Hansard debates and search them by MP at the Hansard website. Today's debates are posted online within three hours.

Work at Hansard

Hansard corrections from Members of Parliament

Further information

Public Bill Committee debates

Browse House of Commons Public Bill Committees, including membership details and the latest version of the Bill:

Watch Parliament TV

Parliament's video and audio channel carries live and archived coverage ofproceedings including PMQs, debates and committee meetings in both Houses.