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Bulletin 25 June 2012

House of Commons Commission bulletin, 25 June 2012

Administration Committee Reports. The Commission received an oral presentation from Sir Alan Haselhurst and Dave Watts on the Administration Committee's reports on Visitor Access and Facilities (HC 13 2012-13) and Television: Rules of Coverage (HC 14 2012-13).  The Commission will consider its formal response to the reports on 16 July.

Possible Debate on the Estimate and Savings Programme.  The Commission agreed that it would seek a debate in the House in October on the draft House of Commons: Administration Estimate and the House's medium-term financial plans, including the current savings programme.  (Contact: Myfanwy Barrett – 0833)

Print to Web.  The Commission agreed a package of changes to printing, publishing and purchasing arrangements relating to the House's business papers and official publications.  The changes, which will be implemented between 2012/13 and 2014/15 and will eventually save around £2 million per annum, include: ending the provision of individual copies of Hansard Bound Volumes; publishing the majority of Select Committee oral evidence electronically only; and not printing written questions overnight in the Hansard daily part. (Contact: Jessica Mulley - 0931)

Stationery and Pre-paid Envelopes.  The Commission agreed to increase the expenditure cap on Member's stationery from to £7,000 to £8,650 as a consequence of the significant increase in Royal Mail postage charges.   (Contact: James Robertson – 3060)

Clock Tower: renaming.  The Commission welcomed the proposal to rename the Clock Tower Elizabeth Tower in recognition of HM The Queen's Diamond Jubilee, and would arrange for this decision to be implemented in an appropriate manner in due course. (Contact: Office of the Chief Executive – 1707)

Commission annual report 2011/12.  The Commission agreed the text of its annual report, which should be published before the Summer Recess.

Additional summer works.  The Commission was briefed on works taking place in August in the Committee Corridor and in the corridor outside the Strangers' and Members' Dining Rooms.  (Contact: Mel Barlex – 6313)

Observations on matters in the bulletin or other aspects of the House's administration should be sent to for the attention of the Commission.

Commission membership: Mr Speaker (Chair), Sir Paul Beresford, Frank Doran, Angela Eagle, John Thurso, Sir George Young (Leader of the House).