Decisions 6 November 2006
Monday 6 November 2006 at 5pm in Speaker's House
The Speaker, in the Chair
Sir Stuart Bell
Nick Harvey
Leader of the House
Mr David Maclean
Mrs Theresa May
1. Connecting with the Public
The Commission took note of the progress report from the Group on Information for the Public on implementation of the recommendations of the Modernisation Committee Report on connecting Parliament with the Public.
2. 1707 Act of Union Exhibition
The Commission agreed to a proposal for an exhibition in the Royal Gallery and a website to mark the 300th anniversary of the Act of Union.
3. Debate on Commission Report
The Commission noted the points made in the debate in Westminster Hall on 19 October 2006 on the Commission's annual report.
Joint House Of Commons Commission / Members Estimate Committee
4. Response to Administration Committee Report on Accommodation
The Commission agreed the draft response from the Board of Management to the Committee's report subject to changes necessary to reflect discussion at the meeting.
5. Next Meeting
Monday 11 December 2006.
6. Any Other Business
Members Estimate Committee business was also taken.