House of Commons catering correction
15 January 2017
An article in The Mirror published on 8 January 2017 stated that catering complaints in Parliament were from 'MPs and their aides' when in fact they came from a range of pass-holders on the parliamentary estate. An incorrect figure of catering costs for 2015-16 was also published.
In light of these inaccuracies, the Sunday Mirror have today printed a correction:
"An article on January 8 said that MPs made complaints about the quality of food serviced on the parliamentary estate. We've been asked to clarify that the complaints came from a range of pass-holders, including MPs, Peers, their staff and staff of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, civil servants, external contractors, visitors and journalists. The article also provided an incorrect figure of catering costs for 2015-16, which were £2.5 million, not £3.7 million."
The House of Commons catering service proactively seeks feedback from customers to ensure high standards are maintained across catering outlets on the parliamentary estate. We provide a value for money service, and have more than halved overall catering costs since the beginning of the last Parliament, due to the roll-out of a number of cost reduction initiatives and the successful expansion of our venue hire operation. Our food and drink prices are regularly benchmarked against similar outlets outside Parliament, and the catering service continuously seeks to reduce costs and generate more income.
Image credit: iStock