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Supplementary Estimates 2020-21

The Government published its proposed changes to spending plans for 2020-21 on 22 February 2021, in the Supplementary Estimates 2020-21.

The Backbench Business committee has selected the following Estimates for debate.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

  • The spending of the Cabinet Office insofar as it relates to the 26th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) - read the debate pack here.
  • The spending of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and support for the DCMS Sectors during the Covid-19 recovery - read the debate pack here.

Find out more

Government Departments' Estimates memoranda

Government departments are required to produce an Estimates memorandum for the relevant select committee to explain what is proposed in their Main Estimate and how proposals compare to past spending plans. Select Committees publish these memoranda on their webpages- for ease of reference links to those published so far are given below.

Smaller departments and pension funds' memoranda are below

Formal documentation

The formal documents which set out these spending plans- the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates themselves can be accessed here.

The original Spending Round 2019 document on which these plans are based is here.