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Commons Executive Board

The terms of reference for the Commons Executive Board are as follows:

The Commons Executive Board provides leadership for the House of Commons Service. It acts as a sub-committee of the Commission and is accountable to it.

Its responsibilities are:

  1. To assist the Commission in setting strategic objectives for the House of Commons Administration, and to be accountable to the Commission for the delivery of the strategy.
  2. To assist the Finance Committee in the preparation of the Estimates and of other papers relating to those Votes, before their submission to the House of Commons Commission; and to carry out such other functions relating to the expenditure on the administration of House of Commons services as may from time to time be allocated to it by the Commission.
  3. To fulfil the statutory responsibilities delegated to it by the House of Commons Commission in relation to the employment of House staff.
  4. To direct the House of Commons Administration, deciding policy and operational issues as delegated to it by the Commission, the Speaker or the Clerk, managing performance KPIs and driving efficient use of resources.
  5. To provide assurance to the Audit and Risk Committee on the management and mitigation of risk.
  6. To support the Clerk in the exercise of his/her responsibilities as Corporate Officer, Accounting Officer and Head of the House of Commons Service, and to support the Director General in the exercise of his/her responsibilities.

The Commons Executive Board is committed to creating a unified House Service, listening to staff and involving senior leaders through the Strategy Delivery Group and the Commons Leadership Forum. Its members are not simply there by virtue of running a Team or functional area. It is also committed to working in partnership with the House of Lords Management Board.

The Clerk, the Director General and the Director of Finance are empowered to meet before and after each Commission meeting together with the Head of the Governance Office, and in order to consider matters relating to staff pay and any other matter as so decided by the Commons Executive Board.  


Core membership (11 in total):

  • Clerk of the House - Chair
  • Director General (Operations)
  • Clerk Assistant and Managing Director of the Chamber and Participation Team
  • Managing Director of the Select Committee Team
  • Librarian and Managing Director of Research and Information
  • Finance Director and Managing Director of Finance, Portfolio and Performance
  • Managing Director of People and Culture
  • Managing Director of Strategic Estates
  • Managing Director of the Parliamentary Digital Service
  • Director of Security for Parliament
  • Speaker's Counsel

See Commons Executive Board membership for details of current members.

In addition, regular attendees will include:

  • The Head of the Governance Office and Secretary to the House of Commons Commission
  • The Communications Director
  • The Cultural Transformation Director