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9 April 2020

Decisions of the Commons Executive Board meeting, 9 April 2020.


Those present:           

  • Mostaque Ahmed, Finance Director and Managing Director, Finance, Portfolio and Performance 
  • Ian Ailles, Director General of the House of Commons (Chair) 
  • John Benger, Clerk of the House
  • Isabel Coman, Managing Director of In-House Services and Strategic Estates
  • Sarah Davies, Clerk Assistant and Managing Director of Chamber & Committees 
  • Mandy Eddolls, Managing Director of HR and Diversity 
  • Tracey Jessup, Chief Information Officer and Managing Director of the Parliamentary Digital Service  
  • Edge Watchorn, Acting Managing Director of Participation 
  • Penny Young, Librarian and Managing Director of Research & Information 


  • Eric Hepburn, Director of Security for Parliament 

In attendance:  

  • Emily Baldock, Deputy Director of Security, representing Eric Hepburn
  • Sarah Clarke, Lady Usher of the Black Rod
  • Marianne Cwynarski, Head of Governance and Central Services and Secretary to the Commission 
  • Hannah Daley, Palace Lead, Lords Restoration & Renewal
  • Michael Ekpe, Chief Technology Officer and Deputy MD Strategy, Innovation & Improvement (interim)
  • Matthew Hamlyn, Strategic Director, Chamber Business Team
  • Rhiannon Hollis, Secretary to the Commons Executive Board 
  • Alice Holmes, Director of Communications     
  • William Newing, Business Change Manager
  • Reg Perry, Head of Reward & Engagement
  • Charlotte Simmonds, Restoration & Renewal Director
  • Katharine Williams, Governance and Compliance Manager 


  1. Updates

The Commons Executive Board noted the following updates:

  • Actions arising from its previous meetings and the work of its sub-groups. 
  • Board membership: The Board welcomed Isabel Coman, the new Managing Director of the recently merged In-House Services and Strategic Estates teams.


  1. Remote Parliament

The Commons Executive Board noted a paper setting out the proposed operating model for interrogative proceedings with virtual participation and heard an update on work to support a ‘remote Parliament’.

  1. Covid-19 planning group

The Commons Executive Board heard an update from the Head of the Covid-19 planning group regarding governance, planning assumptions, key dates and communications.

  1. Digital prioritisation

The Commons Executive Board noted that a bicameral Digital Prioritisation group had been set up to manage the huge demands placed on the Digital Service as a consequence of the pandemic. The group prioritised demands based on the critical activities of the House Service and the capacity to deliver. This was proving effective, and communications to explain the pressures on Digital had been successful in gaining customers’ support. However colleagues in Digital were working very long hours and demand was expected to continue to grow as the situation evolved. There was therefore an urgent need to plan resource and review the existing portfolio of work. The Board took note of this and expressed its thanks and appreciation to the Digital Service for having risen to the challenge. The Board also thanked other colleagues involved in this work, including the broadcasting team and information professionals.

  1. Business Management Directors (BMDs)

The Commons Executive Board noted that BMDs were being put under pressure: as conduits into teams they were being asked to source and channel a lot of Covid-19 related information as well as their usual work. In light of this and the Reducing Bureaucracy campaign MDs were asked to think about how teams might do things in other ways and not involve BMDs if it could be avoided.

  1. Reward and recognition

The Commons Executive Board expressed its wish to recognise and reward the efforts of individuals and teams working on the response to Covid-19, making sure ‘unsung heroes’ were acknowledged. HR was prioritising its work to manage leave and TOIL but agreed to take this on as resource allowed.

  1. Administrative changes to the ICGS during the Covid-19 pandemic

The Commons Executive Board noted the paper, which set out proposed administrative changes to the ICGS during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  1. Information Authority – accreditation process

The Commons Executive Board noted an exchange of emails on the role and work of the Information Authority regarding the accreditation process in the context of business change caused by Covid-19.

  1. Forward planning

The Commons Executive Board discussed the longer term plan for business planning and prioritisation in the context of the Covid-19 response, looking 6-12 months ahead to the ‘new normal’, considering what activities might be stopped or started and how to communicate this to colleagues. The Board agreed initial next steps on information gathering, including consultation with the Strategy Delivery Group, for further discussion by a sub-group within a fortnight.

Other business

  1. Strategic steers on the Restoration and Renewal of the Palace of Westminster

The Commons Executive Board considered strategic steers on Palace Restoration and Renewal put forward by the Joint Working Group, in response to questions set out in Liz Peace’s letter to Ian Ailles and Ed Ollard in July 2019. The group highlighted that there would be tensions to resolve between the steers and constraints on the programme. The Board proposed a number of changes, which would be incorporated into the document for consideration by the Lords Management Board later that month. Subject to those changes being made the Board agreed that the strategic steers should be sent to the House of Commons Commission for their review and agreement before being passed to the Sponsor Body in June. The Board also noted a paper on the future governance of R&R. The Board thanked the Joint Working Group.

  1. Pay negotiations 2020/21 and planning for 2021/22

The Commons Executive Board noted the approach to pay negotiations for 2020/21 in light of the current uncertainty; noted and gave feedback on the planned approach for delivery of the reward strategy from 2021/22 and asked for an update on progress in September.

  1. Transforming Digital programme mandate

The Commons Executive Board approved the formal setup of the Transforming Digital programme and the appointment of the SRO on the grounds of the intensity of the problem faced by the Digital Service, but noted its strong concern about the amount of money and resources being asked for. The Board agreed that the outcome of the investment should be lower running costs for Digital.

  1. Parliamentary Contract Management Governance and Rules

The Commons Executive Board approved the new edition of the rules, which aligned Parliament with best practice elsewhere in the public sector and aimed to improve value for money and management. The Board welcomed the plans for contract manager training. Contract managers’ compliance with the rules would be monitored as part of the performance management system and other measures were being considered as well as the re-establishment of the contract manager champion role. The implementation of the new rules would be postponed while the organisation coordinated its response to Covid-19.

  1. Operation Marquee briefing

The Commons Executive Board received its regular briefing updating the Board on the Operation Marquee plan and received assurance that the plan and those involved were fully prepared.

  1. Reviewing the sale and consumption of alcohol on the Parliamentary Estate

The Commons Executive Board noted a paper in which it was asked to consider the approach to alcohol on the Estate and whether it wished to make recommendations to the Administration Committee and Commission. The Board agreed to submit any views by close of play 15 April.

  1. R&R governance after substantive state

The Commons Executive Board noted the intended plans for R&R governance, subject to endorsement in the Lords, and noted that any comments should be submitted by close of play 16 April.

  1. Strategic priorities

The Commons Executive Board noted the removal of the priorities from the strategy, and the process for ongoing strategic prioritisation.

  1. Internal audit reports

The Commons Executive Board noted internal audit reports on ‘GDPR’ and on ‘The management of the risk of R&R and related programmes on BAU’.

  1. Performance reports

The Commons Executive Board is noted the latest financial monitoring report, performance report and portfolio performance report.

  1. Minutes of the Shadow Sponsor Body board meeting 3 February 2020

The Commons Executive Board noted the minutes.

  1. Culture reflection

The Commons Executive Board reflected on culture and behaviour, including its performance as a board over the course of the meeting. Specifically the Board noted that colleagues across both Houses had been very collaborative and demonstrated great willingness to adapt and help one another, which should be celebrated. Feedback on communications was that messaging was strong and regular, and that it was well received. The Board also noted its concern that a small number of individuals were bearing a disproportionate amount of work and agreed that MDs should do what they could to share out the burden.