19 October 2021
Decisions of the Commons Executive Board meeting, 19 October 2021.
Those present:
Mostaque Ahmed, Finance Director and Managing Director of Finance, Portfolio and Performance
John Benger, Clerk of the House [Chair]
Isabel Coman, Managing Director of In-House Services and Estates
Marianne Cwynarski, Director General (Operations)
Sarah Davies, Clerk Assistant and Managing Director of the Chamber and Participation Team
Alison Giles, Director of Security for Parliament
Tracey Jessup, Chief Digital and Information Officer
Colin Lee, Managing Director of the Select Committee Team
Saira Salimi, Speaker’s Counsel
Penny Young, Librarian and Managing Director of Research and Information
Mandy Eddolls, Managing Director of People and Culture
In attendance:
Emily Baldock, Director of Strategy and Business Planning
Meg Conway-Wait, Restoration and Renewal Deputy Director
Malin Eliasson, Director of Financial Management & Performance
Matthew Hamlyn, Chair of the Strategy Steering Group
Alice Holmes, Director of Communications
Jane Hough, Head of Performance
Martina Hunter, Head of Financial Planning and Analysis
Markos Koumaditis, Human Resources Director (representing Mandy Eddolls)
John Owen, Director of Strategic Business Resilience
Mary Savvides, Acting Head of Risk Management
Charlotte Simmonds, Restoration and Renewal Director
David Smith, interim Managing Director of the Parliamentary Digital Service
Richard Stammers, Head of Internal Audit
Katharine Williams, Governance Manager and Secretary to the Commons Executive Board
1. Quarterly theme: Strategy and finance
a) Performance reports
i. Financial monitoring report
The CEB noted the verbal report.
ii. Quarterly performance report
The CEB noted the performance report and specifically actions that had been delayed or were at risk of delay and agreed that although these should be monitored no additional support was required at that stage.
iii. Portfolio performance report
The CEB noted the report for September 2021.
b) Medium term financial plan
The CEB noted the points set out in the paper, agreed to the specific recommendations put to it and made some further decisions.
c) Independent review of financial management
The CEB endorsed the aim and scope of the review subject to some changes agreed in the meeting.
d) Development of the new House Service strategy
- Discussed the purpose and structure of the new strategy.
- Agreed that the values underpinning the current House Service Strategy – inclusive, courageous, trusted and collaborative – would not change as a result of the development of the new strategy.
- Noted the emerging themes that might form the content of the new strategy.
- Affirmed that there would be consultation with the Commission, House of Lords and the Sponsor Body and agreed the approach.
e) R&R Resource
The CEB endorsed the recommendations that came out of the R&R resource review subject to concerns about business case approvals processes being resolved. The CEB endorsed the response to the Red Team’s report on the review.
2. Risk
a) House of Commons decant
The CEB approved a new House of Commons principal risk on decant subject to a modification.
3. Monthly updates
a) Parliamentary business
The CEB took note of an update from the Clerk Assistant and the Managing Director of the Select Committee Team.
b) Finance
The Managing Director of Finance, Portfolio and Performance did not have any further points to raise.
c) Major projects
The CEB took note of an update from the Managing Director of In-House Services and Estates.
The CEB agreed to take an update on In-House Services and Estates’ work over the past year.
d) Security
The CEB took note of an update from the Director of Security for Parliament and the UK Parliament Chief Digital and Information Officer.
The CEB agreed to monitor whether support services were being used in the weeks ahead and to issue advice to House staff on personal security measures they could follow.
e) Sub-boards
The CEB took note of an update from the Director General (Operations).
4. Reflections, updates and AOB
a) Culture reflection
The CEB reflected on how board members had practiced constructive challenge during the meeting.
b) Internal audit
The CEB noted a verbal update from the Head of Internal Audit.
c) Valuing Everyone
The CEB noted an update on the contract for Valuing Everyone training.
d) Red Team recruitment
The CEB were asked to encourage colleagues to apply to join the 2022 cohort of the Red Team.
5. Take note papers
The CEB took note of the following papers:
a) CEB decision and action log / minutes
b) Reports from the Commission and Domestic Committees
c) Sub-board agendas and minutes
d) Structural and budgetary team reports
e) Single Planning Framework and Business Plans 2022/23
f) Restoration and Renewal
- Minutes of the Restoration & Renewal Sponsor Body
- House of Commons decant for R&R
6. By correspondence
The CEB took the following papers by correspondence ahead of this meeting:
a) Draft Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme annual report 2020-21
The CEB noted the report.