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28 April 2022

Decisions of the Commons Executive Board meeting, 28 April 2022.


Those present: 

Mostaque Ahmed, Finance Director and Managing Director of Finance, Portfolio and Performance  
John Benger, Clerk of the House [Chair] 
Marianne Cwynarski, Director General (Operations) 
Sarah Davies, Clerk Assistant and Managing Director of the Chamber and Participation Team  
Mandy Eddolls, Managing Director of People and Culture 
Alison Giles, Director of Security for Parliament 
Colin Lee, Managing Director of the Select Committee Team  
Saira Salimi, Speaker’s Counsel 
David Smith, Managing Director of the Parliamentary Digital Service 
Penny Young, Librarian and Managing Director of Research and Information


Isabel Coman, Managing Director of In-House Services and Estates 
Tracey Jessup, Chief Digital and Information Officer 

In attendance:

Emily Baldock, Director of Strategy and Business Planning [item 1] 
James Deane, IHSE Business Finance Director (representing Isabel Coman)
Malin Eliasson, Director of Financial Management & Performance [item 1] 
Matthew Hamlyn, Chair of the Strategy Steering Group [item 1c] 
Martina Hunter, Head of Financial Planning & Analysis [item 1a]
Clare Jennings, Director of Communications       
Gosia McBride, Head of the Governance Office, Secretary to the House of Commons Commission 
Graham Stubbs, Head of Personnel Security [item 2]
Katharine Williams, Governance Manager and Secretary to the Commons Executive Board  


1. Quarterly theme: Strategy and finance

a) Performance reports

i. Financial monitoring report

The CEB noted the report for February 2022 and a verbal update on developments.

ii. Portfolio performance report

The CEB noted the report for March 2022.

iii. Quarterly performance report – Q4

The CEB:

  • discussed the analysis of reasons for delays in the achievement of objectives.
  • noted that any uncompleted objectives would continue to be monitored over the next year, with updates provided as part of the quarterly performance report.
  • noted that the performance report was due to be shared with domestic committees and the Commission in May.
  • discussed shortcomings of the current report as a tool for reporting how well the organisation had delivered the business plan. The CEB recognised that issues resulting from a lack of clarity in the objectives had been addressed in the 2022/23 draft corporate business plan. Further lessons learned about the report were being fed into work on the new Strategy 2023-27, the subsequent corporate business plan and everything beneath it, including the design of future performance reports.

b) Draft corporate business plan 2022-23

The CEB:

  • agreed the draft plan for submission to the Commission, subject to some minor changes to objectives and ownership as agreed in discussion, and delegated to the Clerk the agreement of any further changes to individual activities.
  • agreed how the new business plan would be communicated.
  • in response to Members’ requests for better wi-fi, agreed that a different approach was needed and that the Digital, IHSE and Communications Teams would collaborate to propose a new solution.

c) Draft House Service Strategy 2023-27

Subject to agreement of the purpose and any consequential amendments that might be necessary, the CEB agreed the revised draft strategy for presentation to the Commission in May. The CEB agreed two ‘purpose of the House Service’ statement options to propose to the Commission for decision.

The CEB also:

  • agreed that a sub-strategy or high-level implementation plan should be developed for each strategic priority.
  • agreed that each strategic priority and associated sub-strategy should be owned by one or more board members or by another board within the House Service. This must come with clear reporting and accountability arrangements.
  • agreed that the Director of Strategy and Business Planning should be consulted on the draft of any new or revised strategy before its submission to the Board.
  • agreed that a group should form to review what Members wanted from Parliament’s web services and propose what the website’s primary driver should be.
  • thanked the Red Team for their helpful report on the Strategy and endorsed the author’s response.

d) Planning framework

The CEB:

  • agreed the objectives for development of the planning framework.
  • agreed that access to draft corporate plans and team plans should be given to Business Management Directors and those with expertise in areas of potential impact or concern.
  • agreed that the October challenge meetings would be used to discuss any notable issues of concern raised by other teams or experts when assessing draft team plans and financial bids.
  • agreed that the corporate business plan for 2023/24 should be published in March 2023.

2. By exception

a) Insider Threat

The CEB discussed the paper and reached conclusions.

3. Monthly updates

a) Director General (Operations)

The CEB took note of an update from the Director General (Operations).

b) Parliamentary business

The CEB took note of an update from the Clerk Assistant and the Managing Director of the Select Committee Team.

c) Finance

The CEB took note of an update from the Managing Director of Finance, Portfolio and Performance.

d) Major projects

The CEB took note of an update from the Business Finance Director for In-House Services and Estates, which included an update on the Estate-based community workstream.

e) Security

The CEB took note of an update from the Director of Security for Parliament and the Managing Director of the Parliamentary Digital Service.

f) Sub-boards

The CEB took note of an update from the Head of the Governance Office.

4. Reflections, updates and AOB

a) Culture reflection

The CEB reflected on Parliament’s reputation as a workplace and what more could be done to showcase the ways in which it was a great place to work.

b) Terms of reference

i. R&R Steering Group and Parliamentary Alignment Group

The CEB agreed the new terms of reference for the R&R Steering Group.
The CEB agreed the new terms of reference for the Parliamentary Alignment Group.

ii. HR Policy and Strategic Support Group

The CEB agreed the new terms of reference for the HR Policy and Strategic Support Group.

c) Coach and Focus

The CEB noted an update on next steps for Coach and Focus and agreed to share any in-team adaptations they made with the L&OD team.

d) Display Screen Equipment requirements

The CEB noted that DSE training and completion of workspace assessments was mandatory for all staff and would be incorporated into the Essentials package when that was revised in 2023. In the interim line managers and BMDs were expected to monitor compliance.

e) Paperless board meeting – Strategy 2030

The CEB noted an update on the next paperless meeting which was due to be held on 12 May.

f) Employee benefits

CEB members were reminded to suggest ideas to improve the employee benefits package.

5. Take note papers

The CEB took note of the following papers:
a) CEB decision and action log / minutes
b) Reports from the Commission and Domestic Committees
c) Sub-board agendas and minutes
d) Structural and budgetary team reports
e) Job families update
f) Audit plan 2022-23
g) Covid-19 proposed lessons learnt report

6. By correspondence

The CEB took the following papers by correspondence ahead of this meeting:

a) Financial monitoring report

The CEB noted the paper

b) Portfolio performance report

The CEB noted the paper

c) Inclusive recruitment presentation

The CEB noted the paper

d) Delegations framework

The CEB noted the updated framework