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21 July 2022

Decisions of the Commons Executive Board meeting, 21 July 2022.


Those present: 

John Benger, Clerk of the House [Chair] 
Isabel Coman, Managing Director of Strategic Estates 
Marianne Cwynarski, Director General (Operations) 
Sarah Davies, Clerk Assistant and Managing Director of the Chamber and Participation Team 
Mandy Eddolls, Managing Director of People and Culture 
Alison Giles, Director of Security for Parliament 
Colin Lee, Managing Director of the Select Committee Team  
David Smith, Managing Director of the Parliamentary Digital Service 
Penny Young, Librarian and Managing Director of Research and Information 


Vicky Rock, Finance Director and Managing Director of Finance, Portfolio and Performance  
Saira Salimi, Speaker’s Counsel 

In attendance:

Emily Baldock, Director of Strategy and Business Planning [item 1b]
Mike Brough, EPMO Strategic Review Lead (representing Vicky Rock)
Jennifer Crook, Director of Operations, Strategic Estates [item 1d]
Helen Emes, Deputy Speaker’s Counsel (representing Saira Salimi)
Melissa Hamnett, Director of Heritage Collections and Chief Curator [item 1c]
Martina Hunter, Chief Accountant [item 1a]
Clare Jennings, Director of Communications      
Gosia McBride, Head of the Governance Office and Secretary to the House of Commons Commission
John Owen, Director of Strategic Business Resilience [item 1e and item 2]
Mary Savvides, Corporate Risk Management Facilitator [item 2]
Katharine Williams, Governance Manager and Secretary to the Commons Executive Board 


1. Quarterly theme: Strategy and Finance

a) Financial monitoring report Q1/P3

The CEB reviewed and noted the paper.

b) Business planning

i. Business plan 2022-23 – Q1 performance report


  • noted the report and issues it highlighted that could impact on delivery.
  • noted improvements in the timeliness and quality of updates provided by teams and the way the data was presented.
  • agreed that there were lessons to learn from some shortcomings in the objectives and measures used, in that the report was not necessarily presenting the right data to inform decision-making.
ii. Business plan 2023-24 – initial discussion

The CEB agreed that it was important to have clear oversight of all work undertaken by the organisation, especially where this spanned more than one year. As the planning system matured, supported by improved data, the CEB intended to introduce a formal moderation stage in which the CEB would review in the round the organisation’s delivery ambitions against capacity and capability.

Subject to the above, the CEB agreed:

  • corporate business plans from 2023-24 onwards would continue to be prepared for single financial years.
  • in the plan, distinction should be drawn between major projects and programmes and other corporate objectives, as well as between business-as-usual activity and new initiatives.

The CEB proposed data management and safety as two areas to which the organisation would be encouraged to pay particular attention in 2023-24.

The CEB noted that the approach to business planning should be revisited in light of findings and recommendations of the Independent Review of Financial Management.

iii. Draft planning framework

The CEB agreed the planning framework and the proposed approach to developing KPIs and measures, subject to feedback given under earlier papers.

c) Heritage strategy development

The CEB endorsed the strategic vision, purpose, guiding principles and recommendations as presented. The CEB also suggested that the future strategy clarify the approach to theft of assets and requested a regular report on the work of the Heritage Strategy Group.

d) Modern slavery statement

The CEB reviewed and endorsed the 2021-22 UK Parliament Modern Slavery Statement subject to a final review with the Communications Directors.

e) GEPG annual review

The CEB discussed and suggested priorities for the group and agreed the proposed timetable for the year ahead.

2. Risk

a) Risk management

On cross-cutting risks, the CEB agreed

  • the new risk descriptions for cross-cutting risks as set out in the paper.
  • that the map should indicate what rating each risk aimed to reach.
  • that MDs must validate the maps and the owners of cross-cutting risks would review the maps collectively to establish consistency of approach.
  • to keep the effectiveness of the cross-cutting risk system under review.

The CEB endorsed the areas of focus for the next reporting period.

3. By exception

a) Hybrid working

The CEB agreed its position on hybrid working and the approach and timeline for communications.

4. Monthly updates

a) Director General (Operations)

The CEB noted an update on the progress of the Independent Review of Financial Management.

b) Parliamentary business

The CEB noted an update from the Clerk Assistant and the Managing Director of the Select Committee Team. 

c) Finance

The CEB noted an update from the Managing Director of Finance, Portfolio and Performance. 

d) Major projects

The CEB noted an update from the Director of In-House Services and Estates, which included an update on the Estate-based community workstream. 

e) Security

The CEB noted an update from the Deputy Director (People Security) of the Parliamentary Security Department and the Managing Director of the Parliamentary Digital Service. 

f) Safety

The CEB noted an update from the Head of the Governance Office reflecting on the recent safety culture workshop for the CEB. More work would follow in this area.

5. Reflections, updates and AOB

a) Culture reflection

The CEB reflected on the high degree of gender diversity at senior levels within Parliament relative to many organisations in other sectors and that colleagues had a responsibility to promote that good example.

6. Take note papers

The CEB took note of the following papers:

a) CEB decision and action log / minutes

b) Reports from the Commission and Domestic Committees

c) Sub-board agendas and minutes

d) Structural budgetary reports

e) Strategy steering group closure report

f) Assurance process improvements

g) PSAB Q1 report

h) Internal Audit plan 2022-23 – updated

i) Heritage Strategy Full Report

7. By correspondence

a) Portfolio performance report

The CEB noted that the report had been paused and would shortly be replaced by a new quarterly report.

b) Financial monitoring report P02

The CEB noted the report.

c) Members’ Customer Satisfaction Survey 2021/22 Action Plan (updated)

The CEB noted the plan.