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8 September 2022

Decisions of the Commons Executive Board meeting, 8 September 2022.


Those present: 

John Benger, Clerk of the House [Chair]
Marianne Cwynarski, Director General (Operations) 
Sarah Davies, Clerk Assistant and Managing Director of the Chamber and Participation Team
Mandy Eddolls, Managing Director of People and Culture
Alison Giles, Director of Security for Parliament 
Catherine Hallett, interim Managing Director of Strategic Estates
Grant Hill-Cawthorne, Librarian and Managing Director of Research and Information 
Colin Lee, Managing Director of the Select Committee Team
Vicky Rock, Finance Director and Managing Director of Finance, Portfolio and Performance 
Saira Salimi, Speaker’s Counsel


David Smith, Managing Director of the Parliamentary Digital Service 

In attendance:

Simon Body, Chief Technology Officer of the Digital Service (representing David Smith)
Clare Jennings, Director of Communications       
Gosia McBride, Head of the Governance Office and Secretary to the House of Commons Commission 
Reg Perry, Director of Employee Engagement [item 1b-c]
Sarah Petit, Director of Cultural Transformation 
Richard Shoreland, Human Resources Director
Katharine Williams, Governance Manager and Secretary to the Commons Executive Board  
Jo Willows, Director of the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme [item 1a]


1. Quarterly theme: People

a) ICGS annual report

The CEB discussed and endorsed the draft Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme Annual Report 2021-22 subject to some suggested clarifications.

The CEB would receive a quarterly performance report from 2023.

b. HR and payroll programme update

The CEB noted the paper and requested that the work be prioritised and the board receive a monthly update on progress. There would be a lessons-learned exercise on delays and issues experienced. The SRO of the programme gave assurance that the programme would seek to deliver savings as set out in the business case and that it would deliver a better audit capability than currently in place. A question raised on cyber and related regulatory risk would be taken offline.

c. Reward and engagement

i. Employee value proposition and other benefits


  • Noted that the employee benefits portal was due to be launched in November.
  • Noted an update on the Employee Value Proposition, which the HR Policy and Strategic Support Group would review in detail at its next meeting.
  • Thanked the Red Team for their report and endorsed their comments but agreed that no policy was needed at this stage; PACT would review individual policies and guidance relating to specific benefits and clarify any points of doubt.

The Communications Team would work with the EVP team to align long-term communications strategy on branding and identity.

ii. Pensions

The CEB considered the proposal in the paper and asked the team to proceed to carry out more detailed work and consultation before taking a decision.

d. Hybrid working

The CEB discussed hybrid working and agreed that planned central messaging on future hybrid working arrangements should wait until more was known about the health of the Queen.

2. Monthly updates

The Clerk of the House and Clerk Assistant left the meeting. The Director General (Ops) took over as Chair.

a. Director General (Operations)

i. Independent review of financial management

The CEB noted that the report and response would be discussed at the forthcoming board away day.

ii. R&R

The CEB noted an update on survey work and on the next steps under the new governance structure.

b. Parliamentary business

The CEB noted an update from the Managing Director of the Select Committee Team.

c. Finance

The CEB noted an update from the Finance Director.

d. Major projects

The CEB noted an update from the interim Managing Director of Strategic Estates.

e. Security

The CEB noted an update from the Director of Security for Parliament and the Chief Technology Officer of the Digital Service.

f. Safety

The CEB noted an update from the Head of the Governance Office.

3. Reflections, updates and AOB

a. Culture reflection

The CEB reflected on how they had benefitted in their careers and personal lives from face-to-face relationships formed on the Estate.

4. Take note papers

The CEB took note of the following papers:

a. CEB decision and action log / minutes
b. Reports from the Commission and Domestic Committees
c. Sub-board agendas and minutes
d. Coach and Focus update
e. R&R quarterly update to the Commissions
f. Internal Audit: project programme interdependencies
g. Draft ICGS annual report 2021-22
h. Parliament Square Streetscape Project update

5. By correspondence

a. Financial monitoring report P04

The CEB noted the report.