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House of Lords Select Committees - how to participate

Ways to participate

The Select Committee inquiries are public and there are a number of ways to participate.

Writing in with Evidence
Each inquiry is based around a "Call for Evidence" which outlines the particular questions a Committee is interested in.

For further details, see individual committee web pages listed on the Parliamentary Committees page.

Suggesting a topic for a new inquiry
If you would like to suggest a topic to be investigated by a House of Lords Select Committee, please contact the clerk of the Select Committee concerned.

Details of Select Committees and their recent reports are available at Full text of some Select Committee reports

Attending hearings at the House of Lords
The Committee invites particular witnesses (experts, Ministers, etc) to answer questions in public. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

To attend a hearing, please arrive at St Stephen's entrance, Houses of Parliament, and you will be directed to the correct room. Times of hearings and the names of the witnesses to be examined are available at: Future Meetings of Committees open to the public.