Frequently asked questions
Here are some frequently asked questions about working in the House of Lords.
How do I get to the Lords Human Resources Office?
We are based in a parliamentary outbuilding, Millbank House. The website has details on how to get to parliament.
Where do you advertise current vacancies?
We generally advertise on our vacancies section of this website and in the National and London Press. Specialist vacancies are advertised in specialist publications.Working for a Member of the House of Lords
We do not recruit staff for Members of the House. If you are interested in working for a Member of the House please contact them directly at the address below:
House of Lords, London, SW1A 0PW
How many people work for the House of Lords administration?
We currently employ approximately 500 staff.
Working hours of the House of Lords administration
Most staff are contracted to work 41 hours each week. Generally staff work between 09:00 and 18:00. Although this will vary greatly depending on which office you work in.