The Bureau of the Assembly is composed of the President of the Parliamentary Assembly, 20 Vice-Presidents of the Assembly, the Chairpersons of the political groups or their representatives, as well as the Chairpersons of the general PACE Committees or their substitutes.
The Bureau is responsible for coordinating the activities of the Assembly and its Committees, assisting the President in his or her functions and guiding the external relations of the Assembly. In particular, the Bureau draws up, the agenda and draft order of business for each part-session of the Assembly for final ratification by the Assembly, proposes references to Committees, considers the admissibility of petitions, suggests appointments of Assembly representatives to various events and - again subject to ratification by the Assembly - suggests whether or not to initiate a monitoring procedure for a given member state regarding that country's honouring of its obligations and commitments vis-à-vis the Council of Europe.
UK Members of the Bureau:
John Howell MP
Ian Liddell-Grainger MP
Dame Cheryl Gillan MP (Ex officio)
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