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Summary of Invoice Claims

The Independent Expert Panel is guided by the principles of natural justice, fairness for all parties, transparency, and proportionality. The Panel was appointed in November 2020. The amounts claimed by Panel members in fees and expenses each quarter can be found below. These figures will also be published in the Panel’s annual reports.

Members are paid fees on the basis of the time spent working for the Panel. The amounts claimed therefore vary between members, and between quarters, in part based on the number and complexity of cases undertaken by each member. Members have also contributed time and expertise to the development of the Panel’s procedures and practice, especially during the initial months of the Panel’s work and this is reflected in the fees claimed. The Chair, Sir Stephen Irwin also has extra responsibilities for managing the Panel’s work and engaging with stakeholders.

Expenses mainly reflect the costs of Panel member’s essential travel to meetings in London. The Panel is drawn from across the United Kingdom and the variation in claims therefore reflects this, and their individual caseload. Because of the pandemic no physical meetings were held in London until Q2 of 2021 and therefore no expenses were claimed before that quarter. Members have been provided with secure Parliamentary IT to allow the majority of Panel meetings and other work to happen remotely.   

IEP Panel Members Fees and Expenses (xlsx, 42KB) (as of April 2024) (NB: No expenses where claimed until quarter 2 of 2021-22)