2019 House of Lords Freedom of Information Responses
Responses to Freedom of Information requests received by the House of Lords in the calendar year 2019, where information was held and disclosed in part or in full, are published below.
Responses can be viewed in your browser or downloaded as a PDF document.
To view attachments that are included with responses, you will need to download the PDF document and open it using Microsoft Adobe software. The response attachments should be visible as a list of file names in the left-hand column of the document. You may need to click on the right-pointing arrow to open the left-hand column and then the paperclip symbol to view the attachment file names. To view an attachment, double click on its file name to open the document.
If you have any problems opening or viewing an attachment please contact us at foilords@parliament.uk, quoting the reference number shown on the response document (this will be the letters ‘FOI’ followed by four digits) or providing a link.
FOI 3157 - Glass panels in the House of Lords (pdf, 372KB)
FOI 3165 - Position of the Lord Great Chamberlain (pdf, 113KB)
FOI 3169 - Complaints about food and drink served in the House of Lords in 2018 (pdf, 892KB)
FOI 3170 - Questions about Lords Commissioner for Standards (pdf, 106KB)
FOI 3171 - Flags flown from Victoria Tower (pdf, 400KB)
FOI 3174 - Manufacturer of Union Flag and Royal Standard flown from Victoria Tower (pdf, 72KB)
FOI 3179 - Information about the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 and life peerages (pdf, 116KB)
FOI 3181 - Reason for member of the House of Lords taking leave of absence (pdf, 193KB)
FOI 3190 - Information about a visit by members to Oman in February 2019 (pdf, 79KB)
FOI 3193 - CCTV contracts awarded between January 2017 and January 2019 (pdf, 85KB)
FOI 3194 - Expenditure on printing in the Palace in 2016, 2017 and 2018 (pdf, 183KB)
FOI 3198 - Registered residential addresses, expense claims for air travel (pdf, 3MB)
FOI 3201 - Cyberattacks and expenditure on cyber security (2012 to 2018) (pdf, 155KB)
FOI 3202 - Estimated loss of revenue due to planned security staff strike (pdf, 73KB)
FOI 3206 - Government procurement card spending by the House of Lords from 1 April 2014 (pdf, 350KB)
FOI 3210 - Availability of halal products in House of Lords restaurants (pdf, 68KB)
FOI 3211 - Legal fees relating to Westminster attack inquest (pdf, 99KB)
FOI 3216 - Documents recording/discussing process of obtaining Royal Assent for Bills (pdf, 652KB)
FOI 3217 - House of Lords staff sick leave due to stress, anxiety and depression (pdf, 109KB)
FOI 3226 - Copy of information asset register (pdf, 337KB)
FOI 3238 - Information relating to the ECPRD regarding use of PowerPoint by Members (pdf, 312KB)
FOI 3239 - Complaints about bad smells in the House of Lords in 2018 and 2019 (pdf, 97KB)
FOI 3243 - ECPRD requests received or sent by the House of Lords (2003 to 2019) (pdf, 127KB)
FOI 3244 - Expenditure by the House of Lords on unpaid postage in the last six years (pdf, 113KB)
FOI 3245 - Correspondence relating to homelessness in Westminster Underground (pdf, 246KB)
FOI 3246 - Policy for visitor access to the Parliamentary estate (pdf, 119KB)
FOI 3249 - Annual income of Former Lords Commissioner for Standards (pdf, 118KB)
FOI 3253 - Locations of Parliament’s external division bells (pdf, 122KB)
FOI 3261 - Copies of papers presented at Services Committee meetings (pdf, 497KB)
FOI 3262 - Fires on the Parliamentary Estate in the past three years (pdf, 98KB)
FOI 3263 - Parliamentary passes reported lost or stolen in the past three years (pdf, 157KB)
FOI 3268 - Offsite storage facility used by Parliament (pdf, 280KB)
FOI 3269 - Costs of pest control and number of sightings on the Parliamentary estate (pdf, 126KB)
FOI 3274 - Correspondence with the Chair of the Refreshments (Services) Committee (pdf, 622KB)
FOI 3275 - Expenditure on gas and electric bills for the last five financial years (pdf, 83KB)
FOI 3276 - Names of unsuccessful bidders for parliamentary pest control contract (pdf, 76KB)
FOI 3279 - Number of Finance staff, agency workers, department structure (pdf, 222KB)
FOI 3280 - Use of facial recognition technology on the Parliamentary Estate (pdf, 95KB)
FOI 3288 - Royal Assent for the Parliamentary Buildings (Restoration and Renewal) Bill (pdf, 100KB)
FOI 3289 - Amount of subsidy provided to House of Lords catering facilities in 2018/19 (pdf, 84KB)
FOI 3295 - Injuries and compensation claims in the House of Lords in the last 12 months (pdf, 108KB)
FOI 3304 - Government Procurement Card spending details for the past three months (pdf, 97KB)
FOI 3306 - Staff nominated for and awarded Imperial Service Medals and Honours (pdf, 126KB)
FOI 3307 - Telephony systems, contact/call centre, contract details, number of staff (pdf, 111KB)
FOI 3312 - Expenditure on alcohol in House of Lords bars since November 2018 (pdf, 80KB)
FOI 3313 - Copy of the Peers' Dining Room menu and drinks list (pdf, 1MB)
FOI 3317 - Printers, MFDs, printing devices, associated contracts and spend (pdf, 120KB)
FOI 3322 - Information regarding the ‘Parliamentary Review’ annual gala in 2018 (pdf, 2MB)
FOI 3323 - Halal or kosher food served in House of Lords restaurants (pdf, 71KB)
FOI 3324 - Spend on agency workers for provision of services in the House of Lords (pdf, 145KB)
FOI 3325 - Asbestos in the House of Lords (pdf, 830KB)
FOI 3328 – Information relating to Starship Technologies and personal delivery devices (pdf, 17MB)
FOI 3329 - List of complaints to catering services received in 2018 and 2019 (pdf, 102KB)
FOI 3332 - Details of IT and CCTV contracts and suppliers (pdf, 118KB)