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Chamber and committees

This topic includes information published by the House of Commons, including responses to past FOI requests, relating to the Chamber and to committees.

Item Description
Bills and Legislation Information about Bills currently being considered by Parliament and Acts passed by Parliament.
Checking the work of Government Information about how Parliament examines and challenges the work of the Government.
Committees Records of the activities being undertaken by Committees of the House of Commons, including their meetings and inquiries.
Commons Briefing Notes Brief and authoritative notes covering a range of issues relevant to the work and procedures of the House of Commons.
Daily business Information about the typical items of main business which take place in each House.
Deposited Papers Deposited papers from 1987 to date. Most deposited papers are placed by Government ministers in response to parliamentary questions.
Erskine May An online version of Erskine May, the most authoritative reference book on parliamentary procedure and constitutional conventions affecting Parliament.
Guides to Parliament A series of free guides about the work of Parliament and the work of MPs.
Hansard (the Official Report) The official report of all parliamentary debates.
House of Commons business papers Business papers for the House of Commons, including the order paper, votes and proceedings, and future business.
House of Commons recess dates Information about periods of recess, when Parliament does not sit.
House of Commons Sessional Diary The amount of time spent on different items of business on each day.
House of Commons trends Trends in the House of Commons, including the use of Urgent Questions, the gender composition, and the most popular MP names.
House of Commons votes A record of votes that have taken place in the House of Commons.
How are laws made? An explanation of the law-making process.
How Parliament works Information about how Parliament works, including Parliament's role, daily business in Parliament and the law-making process.
MPs' Guide to Procedure Practical, clearly written guidance on House of Commons procedure for MPs and their staff.
Officers and Ceremonies Information about the history of the key offices and famous ceremonies in Parliament.
Parliament TV Video and audio coverage of all UK Parliament proceedings taking place in public, including debates and committee meetings.
Parliamentary business Coverage of current parliamentary business, including debates, bills and committee meetings.
Parliamentary occasions Information about the main business and ceremonial events that take place in Parliament, including the State Opening of Parliament, the Budget and Recall of Parliament.
Proxy Voting Scheme Information about the House of Commons Proxy Voting Scheme, which is available to MPs on parental leave or with medical or public health reasons.
Question Time (including Prime Minister's Questions) Question Time is an opportunity for MPs and Members of the House of Lords to question government ministers about matters for which they are responsible.
Quick guide to participating in the Chamber and Westminster Hall (pdf, 73KB) A very brief guide to the basics of the behaviour expected from Members during debates in the Chamber and in Westminster Hall.
Research for Commons business Documents and reports that relate to the business being held in the House of Commons Chamber and Westminster Hall during any given week.
Rules and traditions of Parliament Information about the rules and customs that affect how Parliament works.
Rules of behaviour and courtesies in the House of Commons (pdf, 350KB) Guidance intended to help Members, particularly those new to the House, in understanding the behaviour expected in the Chamber of the House of Commons.
Scrutiny Unit The House of Commons's Scrutiny Unit exists to strengthen the scrutiny function of the House.
Sessional Returns A detailed, statistical account of the work of the House of Commons.
Standing Orders Links to the Standing Orders of each House, which are the written rules that regulate proceedings.
Statutory Instruments A database of Statutory Instruments, which are a form of legislation.
The King's Speech Information about the King’s Speech, which covers proposed legislation for each new parliamentary session. The latest King's Speech is available on the Government's website.
What is the role of Parliament? Information about the role of Parliament and how it performs its functions.
Written questions and answers Information about what Written Questions are and how they work.
Written questions, answers and statements A database of Written Questions asked and their answers, as well as separate Written Statements made to Parliament.

Responses to requests

Ceremonial dress

File ref Nature of request Response date
F22-721 Expenditure on ceremonial garments since 2019 21/12/2022
F20-479 Cost of ceremonial clothing purchases in 2020 28/10/2020
F19-051 Breakdown of expenditure on ceremonial/ official garments/ and Deputy Speaker's clothing 26/02/2019
F18-039 Expenditure on ceremonial/official garments  21/02/2018
  Expenditure on Ceremonial garments 2018


File ref Nature of request Response date


Witness diversity (2023) 10/10/2023


Contact details for HoC Administration Ctte 14/11/2023
  Privileges Committee 2023
F18-443 Breakdown of costs incurred by Commons Committees 27/11/2018


File ref Nature of request Response date
F20-575 Copy of specified Hansard transcript before correction 24/11/2020
  Hansard 2020
  Hansard 2018

Overseas delegations

File ref Nature of request Response date
F17-300 Expenses for the UK delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. 09/08/2017

Procedure and process

File ref Nature of request Response date
F23-381 Procedures to allow challenges to decisions made by the Speaker 25/07/2023
F23-308 Details of MPs interventions during debates over last 2 years 28/06/2023
F23-057 Parliamentary Oath and Affirmation translations 06/02/2023
  Unparliamentary language 2023
  Introduced Bills 2023
F22-475 List of Jewish texts to be used during the swearing in of MPs 12/10/2022
F21-634 Information about the Recess Elections Act 1975 11/01/2022
  Parliamentary Questions 2022
F21-476 Process for selection of members of the Panel of Chairs. 15/11/2021
  Queen's consent 2021
F20-309 Online voting 2020
  Virtual voting 2020
  Voting terminals 2020
  Dissolution 2017

The Chamber

File ref Nature of request Response date
  Despatch box contents 2022
  Installing audio systems in the Chamber 2022
  City Remembrancer 2018
  Lego model 2018


File ref Nature of request Response date
F23-085 Copy of the Prison Act 1877 17/02/2023