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This topic includes information published by the House of Commons, including responses to past FOI requests, relating to governance.

Item Description
Administration Committee The Administration Committee considers the services provided for Members, their staff and visitors by the House of Commons Service.
Annual Corporate Business Plans Copies of the Annual Corporate Business Plans for the House of Commons Administration.
Annual Report and Accounts Copies of the Annual Reports and Accounts for the House of Commons Administration, for each year.
Authorised Retention and Disposal Policy The Authorised Retention and Disposal Policy (ARDP) is Parliament’s policy on the retention, destruction and archiving of its information.
Commons Executive Board Information about the Commons Executive Board, which provides leadership for the House of Commons Service, including published decision notices.
Data Protection and your privacy Information about the different data controllers in Parliament, their responsibilities, your rights and how to contact them.
Dissolution guidance for Members When a General Election is called, Parliament is dissolved and ceases to legally exist. This page includes information that is provided to MPs during this period.
Freedom of Information Help with how to find information or make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Freedom of Information – responses to requests Responses to many Freedom of Information requests we receive are published on our website as part of our publication scheme.
Governance of the House of Commons Information on the work and membership of the governing bodies of the House of Commons.
Health & Safety Parliament's policies for health and safety, including the Combined Health and Safety Policy and supplements to it.
House Administration Strategy The strategy for the House of Commons Administration, which sets the direction for all operational activity.
House of Commons Commission Information about the House of Commons Commission, the body responsible for the administration of and services provided by the House of Commons, including agendas and decisions.
Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2023-2027 Information about the House of Commons Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2023-2027, which outlines plans over the next four years to build on the House's inclusion and diversity work.
Information and Records Management Service (IRMS) Information about the records management service at Parliament, whose role is to help staff manage information more easily, in order to support their work.
Information Management Policy The Information Management Policy provides the framework for managing parliamentary information across the Commons, Lords and Parliamentary Digital Service.
Parliamentary copyright Information about copyright provisions affecting material produced by both Houses of Parliament.
Parliamentary offices Information about the teams in Parliament that provide support to MPs so that they can carry out their duties.
Register of Journalists' Interests Information about journalists who have a parliamentary pass, including other employment they hold.
The House of Commons Administration explained A page explaining the administration of the House of Commons.

Responses to requests

Health and safety

File ref Nature of request Response date
F23-435 Injuries and compensation paid 22/08/2023
F22-736 Details of compensation claims made by people working on the estate 20/12/2022
F22-419 Compensation paid relating to claims for damage to personal items 24/08/2022
  Covid costs 2022
F21-061 Compensation paid by the House for damage to personal items 24/02/2021
F20-280 Details of injuries suffered on parliamentary estate 25/06/2020
F20-132 Advice to MPs on Covid-19 and to Speakers Office on closure of Parliament 24/03/2020
  Covid Monitoring 2020
  Track and Trace 2020
  Covid absence 2020
  Covid cases 2020
F19-494 Details of injuries suffered by MPs and staff over last year 04/11/2019
F18-257 Injuries and compensation at Parliament, last 12 months 18/07/2018
F17-119 Injuries suffered in Parliament by staff and MPs 14/03/2017

Inclusion and diversity

File ref Nature of request Response date
  Diversity work 2022
  LGBT, Race Equality & Decolonisation work 2022
F21-563 Funding provided to Stonewall 07/12/2021
F21-281 Membership fees / additional monies paid to Stonewall 07/07/2021
  Stonewall membership 2021
  Use of word 2021
F20-104 Report by the WEN group ParliReach 26/02/2020
F17-348 Annual cost of supporting Workplace Equality Networks  20/09/2017
  Learning disabilities 2017

Information management

File ref Nature of request Response date
  Handling FOI requests 2022
  Sensitive data disposal 2017

Leadership and management

File ref Nature of request Response date


File ref Nature of request Response date
  Companies within Parliament 2023
  Parliament as a Corporation 2022