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History and artwork

This topic includes information published by the House of Commons, including responses to past FOI requests, relating to history and artwork.

Item Description
Heritage Collections A database listing items in Parliament's Heritage Collections, including the Parliamentary Art Collection, the Historic Furniture and Decorative Arts Collection, and the Architectural Fabric Collection.
Living Heritage Information about of the history and heritage of Parliament, its buildings and collections.
Speaker's Advisory Committee on Works of Art Information about the Speaker’s Advisory Committee on Works of Art, including its annual report and other publications. The Committee advises on the use and management of the Parliamentary Art Collection in the House of Commons.
The Parliamentary Archives Information about the official archive of the UK Parliament, including a searchable catalogue. Some items only available in hard copy, in which case a fee is charged for copies.

Responses to requests


File ref Nature of request Response date
F23-410 List of artworks in offices of Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet 21/08/2023
F22-777 Complaints received regarding Parliaments' Heritage collection 18/01/2023
F22-393 List of persons depicted on art work in Parl and any damages 22/08/2022
F20-071 Commissioned artworks of MPs 19/02/2020
F18-246 Missing works of art in Parliament 18/07/2018
F17-239 Expenses claimed by official election artists 03/07/2017


File ref Nature of request Response date
F20-621 Costs related to the Speaker's coach 21/12/2020


File ref Nature of request Response date
  Swords 2019