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Information technology

This category includes information published by the House of Commons, including responses to past FOI requests, relating to information technology.

Item Description
Hardware issued to MPs Information about the provision of IT equipment issued to new MPs.
Laptops loaned to MPs and their staff during the Covid-19 pandemic A list of laptops loaned to MPs and their staff to help them adjust to remote working during the first Covid-19 lockdown.
Lost and Stolen Parliamentary IT equipment This list details all items of Parliament-supplied IT equipment such as laptops, mobile phones and tablets that have been reported as lost or stolen.

Responses to requests


File ref Nature of request Response date
F24-167 Contract details for printing arrangements in Parliament 11/04/2024
F24-010 Number of multi-functional devices (printers) in the House of Commons  15/01/2024
F23-392 Details of technical use and contracts in HoC inc printers, software, cctv 14/08/2023
F23-606 Disposal of parliamentary phones and laptops 04/12/2023
F23-307 Details of IT loaned to MPs 27/06/2023
F23-297 Number of IT devices in use and IT procurement plans 27/06/2023
F22-636 Missing IT equipment loaned to current &former MPs 28/11/2022
F22-039 IT equipment loans to former MPs 17/02/2022
F22-039 IT equipment loans to former MPs 17/02/2022
F21-453 Details of hard/soft ware purchased by Parliament 26/10/2021
F21-428 IT items purchased from 2018 to 2021 11/10/2021
F21-210 Details of loaned IT equipment not returned by defeated MPs 26/05/2021
F21-158 IT equipment not returned by former MPs 27/04/2021
F20-642 Loaned IT equipment not returned by MPs who left in last election 05/01/2021
  MPs IT equipment 2021
F18-003 IT equipment loaned to MPs after 2015 election 09/02/2018
  IT equipment issued for Divisions 2018


File ref Nature of request Response date
F23-450 Analytics data of MP for a week on Parliaments learning webpages 22/08/2023
  IT systems and infrastructure 2023
F21-449 Malicious emails blocked by Parliament 12/10/2021
  Blocked emails 2021
F17-337 Allocation of parliamentary email addresses 11/09/2017
  Broadband 2017
  Broadband 2017


File ref Nature of request Response date
F21-468 Budget for IT systems and number of IT staff 08/11/2021
  Speaking clock 2021
F19-108 Printing costs and paper disposal 29/03/2019
F18-031 Details of ICT budget, contracts and number of devices held 16/02/2018
  Switchboard 2018
F23-169 Report for laptop and iPad theft 24/04/2023


File ref Nature of request Response date
F23-408 Use of Customer Relationship Management software in Parliament 14/08/2023
  Telephony and Storage 2023
  Accessing apps 2023
  Operating systems 2021
  Software 2021
  Software - correspondence 2021


File ref Nature of request Response date
F24-026 Does HoC have an IT contact centre for the public and details of its operation 07/02/2024