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Members and Members' staff

This topic includes information published by the House of Commons, including responses to past FOI requests, relating to Members and Members' staff.

Item Description
Allegations and complaints against MPs Information about allegations against MPs made under the House of Commons Code of Conduct.
All-Party Parliamentary Groups Information about All-Party Parliamentary Groups, which are informal cross-party groups run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords.
Books purchased and borrowed by the Commons Library A list of books that are most frequently borrowed from the House of Commons Library, and the titles that are purchased in response to requests from MPs.
Chamber Directory of Members A photographic directory of Members produced to help House of Commons staff recognise them in the Chamber.
Elections and Voting Information about General Elections, by-elections, constituencies, swearing-in and voting systems.
Financial assistance to Opposition Parties Information about the financial assistance awarded to opposition parties, for them to carry out their parliamentary business.
House of Commons Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct covering Members of Parliament.
House of Commons Debtors - Members Information about debts of Members owed to the House of Commons which have been outstanding for 90 days or more.
House of Commons Members' Fund Information about the House of Commons Members' Fund, which, from contributions from existing MPs, provides discretionary grants to ex-Members of Parliament, their widow/ers or orphan children.
Members Allowances before 2010 Details of the schemes for the payment of expenses and allowances to MPs before 2010, when this responsibility passed to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA).
Members' Handbook Information received by new MPs after they are elected.
Members of Parliament as Employers – a good practice guide Guidance available to Members of Parliament to help them in their role as employers.
Members of the House of Commons General information about Members, including roles and responsibilities, standards and financial information.
MPs and Lords A database of Members of Parliament (who sit in the House of Commons) and Members of the House of Lords.
MPs' Pensions Information about the Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund (PCPF), the pension scheme for MPs.
New Members' guidebook A short guidebook for new Members covering their first days after being elected.
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards Information about the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, who deals with the application of the Code of Conduct, including statistics and annual reports.
Parliamentary Contact Details for MPs Contact information for Members of the House of Commons in a machine-readable format.
Party spokespersons Lists of spokespersons for parties other than the governing party(ies) and the Opposition.
Pay and expenses for MPs Information about MPs' salaries and expenses, which since 2010 have been the responsibility of the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA).
Regional constituency events - costs The cost of regional open days for constituency staff around the UK.
Register of All-Party Parliamentary Groups Copies of the Register of All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs), which includes their officers and information about financial and material assistance they receive.
Register of Interests of Members' Secretaries and Research Assistants Copies of the Register of Interests of Members' Secretaries and Research Assistants, which includes interests registered by Members' staff.
Register of Members' Financial Interests Copies of the Register of Members' Financial Interersts, which includes financial interests registered by Members, such as outside employment, donations, gifts and hospitality.
Research Briefings Research produced by the House of Commons Library, the House of Lords Library and the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, which aim to contain factual and impartial information on a range of subjects.
Research impact at the UK Parliament Information aimed at academic researchers about how they can engage with Parliament.
Stationery and postage paid envelope costs per Member Information about the funding provided by the House of Commons to Members of Parliament for them to purchase stationery and postage-paid envelopes.
The Cabinet A list of MPs and Members of the House of Lords that hold a government post, including their position and department.
The Shadow Cabinet A list of MPs and Members of the House of Lords that hold an opposition post, including their position and 'shadow' department.
The State of the Parties The current composition of the House of Commons, based on the number of MPs in each party.

Responses to requests

House of Commons Library

File ref Nature of request Response date
F23-613 & F23-681 List of books loaned by MPs from HoC Library since 2019 04/12/2023 & 15/01/2024
F22-555 Cost of newspapers, including breakdown 16/11/2022
F21-621 Details of items held in the Library catalogue and if specified report is held 10/01/2022
F21-348 Questions about the Library 25/08/2021
F21-275 Funding and annual subscription costs of newspapers, magazines and TV channels 06/07/2021
F18-187 Books borrowed from the House library 23/05/2018
F18-101 Book loans and fines from the House Library 29/03/2018
F17-492 Newspaper/journal subscriptions 11/12/2017
F17-483 Newspapers purchased by the House 06/12/2017

Member's interests

File ref Nature of request Response date
F20-226 Register of Members' Secretaries and Research Assistants from Jan-Apr 2020 03/06/2020

Member's offices

File ref Nature of request Response date
F23-214 Policy for processing Constituency casework when vacant MP position 15/05/2023
F18-385 Total cost of unpaid postage on letters and parcels sent to MPs  15/10/2018
  Social media guidance 2017
  Members conventions 2017

Members' services

File ref Nature of request Response date
F19-039 MPs & Peers postal/email addresses 04/02/2019

Pay and expenses

File ref Nature of request Response date
F19-161 Cost of MP salary & expenses since 1993 23/04/2019


File ref Nature of request Response date
  Pension cost 2022

Political parties

File ref Nature of request Response date
  Short money 2023


File ref Nature of request Response date
F23-289 Outcomes of the local council elections and European Parliament elections from 2009 to 2019 15/06/2023
F23-395 Guidance for MPs who resign 26/07/2023
  Members portraits 2022
  MPs notifying the House of any crimes 2022
  MPs employers 2020
  Arrests 2020
  Members citizenship 2018
  Criminal records 2017