UK general election results 1832 - 2019

1935 General Election - Parties - Liberal National

  1. Barnsley
  2. Bermondsey West
  3. Bosworth
  4. Burnley
  5. Burslem
  6. Combined Scottish Universities
  7. Consett
  8. Denbigh
  9. Dumfriesshire
  10. Dunfermline Burghs
  11. Durham
  12. East Fife
  13. East Newcastle upon Tyne
  14. East Norfolk
  15. Eddisbury
  16. Eye
  17. Gateshead
  18. Great Yarmouth
  19. Greenock
  20. Harwich
  21. Holland with Boston
  22. Huddersfield
  23. Huntingdonshire
  24. Inverness
  25. Leith
  26. Luton
  27. Montgomery
  28. Montrose Burghs
  29. Norwich
  30. Oldham
  31. Plymouth Devonport
  32. Pontefract
  33. Ross and Cromarty
  34. Rotherham
  35. Shoreditch
  36. South Molton
  37. Southampton
  38. Southwark North
  39. Spen Valley
  40. St Ives
  41. Sunderland
  42. Swansea West
  43. Walsall
  44. Western Isles