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Videos from the Westminster Hall virtual tour

Using the skills of 3D computer designers, historians and archaeologists, Parliament has developed a virtual reconstruction of Westminster Hall at two key points in its 900 year history. The videos below are taken from this tour.

Video of Westminster Hall in 1099

Watch a fly-through taken from Parliament's 3D tour of Westminster Hall in 1099.

Video transcript of Westminster Hall in 1099

Video of Westminster Hall in 1400

Watch a fly-through taken from Parliament's 3D tour of Westminster Hall in 1400.

Video transcript of Westminster Hall in 1400

Video about Westminster Hall's famous roof

Watch a video explaining theories of how the roof of Westminster Hall was built over time.

Video transcript of the development of Westminster Hall's roof

Video about the King's High Table

Watch a video explaining the functions and importance of the King's High Table in Westminster Hall.

Video transcript of King's High Table in Westminster Hall