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Letter from Emmeline Pankhurst to Lloyd George

At the outbreak of the First World War, Pankhurst suspended the activities of the WSPU. She concentrated instead on support for the War and helped the government recruit women into war work, especially in munitions factories. That she was keen to be consulted on matters of government is clear from this letter to Lloyd George who had just become Prime Minister.


Letter from Emmeline Pankhurst to Lloyd George


Dec 1916

Catalogue number

Parliamentary Archives, LG/F/94/1/27


Transcript of Parliamentary Archives, LG/F/94/1/27 Saturday Morning Dear Mr Lloyd George, I am very anxious to see you for a few minutes before the work of constructing the new cabinet is complete. Women unfortunately cannot be directly represented in it but I am sure you will be the first to acknowledge that they have a right to be consulted in a matter so vital to them and to the country as a whole at a time when our very existence is at stake. The statement in today's papers that Mr Balfour and Lord Robert Cecil are to control the Foreign Office is most disgusting. We want to give you wholehearted support that is absolutely necessary to win the War but we cannot do so when we cannot trust the heads of the Foreign Office. I am very unwilling to add to the tremendous burden of your work but it is better that we should meet now before irrevocable discussions are made on this and other important matters. I should like to express to you our strong feeling that you are the one man who can save us in this terrible time of trial for us all and to say that we wish with all our hearts to cooperate with you in the task of organising the country to win the War. Please see me Sincerely yours E Pankhurst