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Stanley Baldwin to Millicent Fawcett, 1928

The letter displayed is from Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin to the leader of the constitutional suffrage campaign Millicent Garrett Fawcett, dated 5 August 1928, marking the end of the campaign to obtain parliamentary suffrage for women on equal terms with men.  Baldwin expresses the sentiment that he never doubted that it would be passed in the ‘simple and complete form it ultimately assumed' and finishes by stating it ‘will be for the good of our beloved country'. This letter is a fitting conclusion to the great social movement that Millicent Fawcett led to victory. Her fellow campaigners continue to campaign for women's equality through what is now the Fawcett Society.

Reproduced with permission from The Women's Library.

UNESCO Memory of the World UK Register


Letter from Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin to Dame Millicent Garrett Fawcett following the passage of the Equal Franchise Act


5 Aug 1928

Catalogue number

The Women's Library, Autograph Letter Collection: 9/01/1194