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Petition of Jane Campbell's agent

This document is a petition from George Bedford to the House of Lords. Bedford had been looking for Addison in order to serve the divorce papers on him. Addison had fled abroad to avoid paying £5,000 damages which had been awarded against him by Jessy Campbell's husband James Campbell, following a suit for Criminal Conversation in the civil court.

In the petition, George Bedford describes the various places in which he had looked for Edward Addison and concludes as follows:

'this Deponent could find no other trace or Intelligence of the said Edward Addision but that he had gone abroad in consequence of the Verdict with Five Thousand pounds damages and Costs which had been recovered against him by James Campbell Esquire for adultery committed by the said Edward Addision with Jessy Campbell the wife of the said James Campbell'.


Petition of Jane Campbell's agent


20 March 1801

Catalogue number

Parliamentary Archives, HL/PO/JO/10/8/15