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Meet the Norwich history detectives

The members of the group were:

Chris Basey, Ann Chesterton, Cindy Dove, Marion Falkes, Robert Flatt, Janet King, Pauline May, Jean Palmer, Wendy Rix, Barbara Roberts, Geraldine Sayers Cowper, Katrina Stockdale, Patricia Wills-Jones and Jenny Zmroczek.

They are pictured here with Victoria Horth (Norfolk Record Office), Becky Fawcett (Parliamentary Outreach) and David Prior (Parliamentary Archives).

During their four days in Norwich they met staff from the Record Office as well as the Parliamentary Archives and learnt about the work of both.

They heard about the work of conservators and had an introduction to palaeography - how to read old forms of writing - to help them with their research. Their trip to London was also a chance to see behind the scenes at the Parliamentary Archives.