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World War One Honours Letter

A term that is readily attached to any study of World War One is ‘Lions led by donkeys'. It originates from an Arabian proverb but began to be used by many historians' decades after World War One ended, as they re-evaluated the leadership record of the British army.This was certainly not the case in the months after the armistice, as Generals such as Haig were greatly praised for leading the nation to victory. He was rewarded for his endeavours by being given a peerage in the 1919 New Year's Honours list. This letter is from King George V private secretary Lord Stamfordham to Lloyd George. It details how war honours shall be divided amongst the upper echelons of the military hierarchy. The war years were particularly testing for the royal family due to their familial ties to Kaiser Wilhelm but the Prime Minister always kept in close contact with his majesty, enjoying an amicable relationship throughout this period.

Lord Stamfordham, Buckingham Palace, to the Prime Minister, Lloyd George


November 1918

Catalogue number

Parliamentary Archives, LG/F/29/2/60