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Letter from the Duke of Wellington to the Earl of Lucan on the Reform Bill

The first Reform Bill was introduced to in the House of Commons in March 1831. It passed by one vote but failed in the Lords, where Wellington did his utmost to defeat it. The Commons passed an amended Reform Bill the following October, but it was again rejected by the Lords.

This letter was written by Wellington as the third Reform Bill made its way through Parliament in early 1832. It sets out his views on reform, which he felt would 'destroy the country, the House of Lords the first probably and all its Institutions'. He also discusses the tactics being used to oppose the Bill, which included making changes to its essential character and attempting to encourage the King to resist its passage.

Despite Wellington's best attempts, the Reform Bill received Royal Assent on 9 June 1832.

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Letter from the Duke of Wellington to the Earl of Lucan on the Reform Bill


13 March 1832

Catalogue number

Parliamentary Archives, HL/PO/RO/1/156