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James Hills' Evidence

Opposed private bill committee evidence on the Sunderland Improvement works. James Hills, the local ironmonger, gave evidence in favour of the introduction of the Bill, despite its possible repercussions on his business.

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James Hills Evidence



Catalogue number

Parliamentary Archives HL/PO/PB/5/13/10


Mr James Hills is called in and examined by Mr Paget as follows.
Q: You are a shopkeeper in Sunderland
A: I am
Q: An Ironmonger
A: An Ironmonger
Q: And therefore one of those parties who have been alluded to who would suffer by this Clause
A: Yes
Q: Notwithstanding that suffering do you wish for the Bill
A: I do
Q: Notwithstanding you would have to pay for your shop at a higher rate than your neighbour for his shipbuilding yard you still regard the Bill as a benefit to the Borough
A: A very great benefit indeed.