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1848 Enforcing Early By-Laws in Sunderland

The early adoption of bye-laws in Sunderland show an attempt to take advantage of a new legislative framework to tackle public health problems.  

To see the bye-laws drawn up in Sunderland in 1837, please see the copy that was deposited amongst the House of Lords Main Papers.

However the group also found evidence to suggest that they were not being implemented.  On 17 January 1848 a meeting of the Committee of the Sunderland Sanitary Association was held to consider what could be to improve the situation in Sunderland.  They decided to form a deputation ‘to wait upon the Corporation and Commissioners to urge the necessity of their enforcing the Bye-Laws and powers with which they are invested for the removal of Public Nuisances.'

Continue to the full report of the deputation and transcript.