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Early By-Laws in Sunderland 1

In 1848, a deputation from the Sunderland Sanitary Association visited the Corporation to urge them to enforce the By-Laws.

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Early By-Laws in Sunderland 1



Catalogue number

Tyne and Wear Archive CB.SU/1/2


At a Meeting of the Committee of the Sunderland Sanitary Association held in the mayors Chambers on Monday the 17th January 1848
G W Hall Esquire in the Chair
It was Resolved
That a deputation be appointed to wait upon the Corporation and Commissioners to urge the necessity of their enforcing the Bye-Laws and powers with which they are invested for the removal of public Nuisances
The Deputation being desirous of effecting the speedy removal of existing Nuisances, beg to direct the attention of the Watch Committee to the general neglect of the Bye Laws of the Borough.
From the reports of the Sub Committee