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Early By-Laws in Sunderland 3

In 1848, a deputation from the Sunderland Sanitary Association visited the Corporation to urge them to enforce the By-Laws.

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Early By-Laws in Sunderland 3



Catalogue number

Tyne and Wear Archive CB.SU/1/2


That contrary to Bye Laws No. 6 offensive matter is allowed to flow from Piggeries, Killing Shops and Tripe Manufactories into the open drains in the Lanes and Alleys before mentioned.
That contrary to Bye laws No. 19 many private middens and drains are out of repairs which ought to be immediately put in order.
The deputation believe that much of the disease existing in those districts is caused by the Nuisance referred too and therefore most earnestly urge you to enforce the Bye Laws for the removal of the said Nuisances.