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1817 Poor Rate Court Case

In 1817, Edward Priest Richards was embroiled in a plot to cause ill-feeling, and even a riot, against Nathaniel French and John Williams, the overseers of the poor.  It was claimed that this was done in order for political gain, ‘...contriving to obtain by undue means for certain persons the benefit and advantage of certain votes at the future vestry meetings of the said United Parishes.'

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1817 Poor Rate Court Case



Catalogue number

Glamorgan Archives DART/W/372


That afterwards to wit on the said 20th day of October in the 58th year aforesaid at the Borough aforesaid in the County aforesaid the said United Parishes were in a State of great Distress want misery and Starvation by reason of no rate being made raised or levied for their relief and that without the assent concurrence and approval of the said Joseph Wheeler and Philip Woolcott so being such Churchwardens as aforesaid no legal and Valid Rate for the relief of the said poor could by Law be made raised or levied which the said Philip Woolcott and Joseph Wheeler well knew towit at the Borough aforesaid in the County aforesaid Yet that they the said Joseph Wheeler and Philip Woolcott so being persons of Evil minds and dispositions and Unlawfully and Wickedly contriving and intending to injure and oppress the said poor of the said United Parishes and for other corrupt and wicked purposes and not regarding their duty in that behalf and in Contempt of the Statute in that Case made and provided.'