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1817 Poor Rate Court Case

In 1817, Edward Priest Richards was embroiled in a plot to cause ill-feeling, and even a riot, against Nathaniel French and John Williams, the overseers of the poor.  It was claimed that this was done in order for political gain, ‘...contriving to obtain by undue means for certain persons the benefit and advantage of certain votes at the future vestry meetings of the said United Parishes.'


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1817 Poor Rate Court Case



Catalogue number

Glamorgan Archives DART/W/372


Cardiff being a Corporation Town it has 3 Justices of the Peace who Exercise Jurisdiction there exclusively Two of them are the Bailiffs for the time being who are Justices by virtue of their Office and are annually Chosen from among the most docile Jackalls in Lord Bute's Pack for the Purposes of Election etc.  The other is the Senior Alderman for the time being who the Instant he by the Death or removal of his Predecessor becomes Senior Alderman becomes a Justice of the Peace and remains so for life or until he is removed for Misbehaviour but not so the Bailiffs who are changed every Michaelmas Day.
The Dramatis Personae who exhibit as Defendants in the Indictment are Thomas Charles one of the Bailiffs and one of his Lordship's Tradesmen who sells deal Timber etc William Pritchard the other Bailiff who being a Carpenter some years ago became Bankrupt and paid about Twelve Shillings in the Pound but is now a Tenant and Creature of Lord Bute's, Joseph Wheeler one of the Churchwardens a Carpenter in the employ of Lord Bute's Agents, Philip Woolcott the other Churchwarden who was a Gentleman's Servant and now holds Land under Lord Bute and Mr Edward Priest Richards [piece missing] Attorney who acts for his Lordship in the Country.