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Edward Priest Richard's Evidence to Parliament (part 1)

Edward Priest Richards was the marquess of Bute's agent for his Welsh estates.  This entailed acting as Solicitor for the 1830 Bute Ship Canal Bill.  An important part of this role was to ensure that the Standing Orders were complied with, and Edward Priest Richards is here confirming that everything necessary was done and the Bill can therefore proceed to the Committee hearing. 

The Standing Orders are written rules that govern the way that Parliament works.  There are Standing Orders specifically relating to the way that Parliament processes Private Bills and it is these that Edward Priest Richards is confirming have been complied with in this case.  An important area that these cover is making sure that the plans are widely known about in the area, and this is why he is confirming that notices about the Bill have been placed in the local newspaper, the Cambrian, as well as a notice placed in a prominent public place, the door to the Session House in Cardiff.

A transcript of this evidence is available.  Please click ‘Transcript', above.

Continue to part 2...


Edward Priest Richard's Evidence to Parliament (part 1)


7 June 1830

Catalogue number

Parliamentary Archives HL/PO/JO/10/8/913 p.3


Edward Priest Richards is called in and examined as follows
Q: (By a Lord) Do you produce the Cambrian Newspaper of the 7th, 14th and 21st of November 1829.
A: I do
The Witness produces the same and they are handed in and inspected by the Lord in the Chair.
Q: Do you produce a Copy of a Notice which you saw affixed on the Sessions House door at Cardiff in the last Epiphany Sessions held for the County of Glamorgan?
A: I do
 The Witness produces and delivers in the folling paper:
Notice is hereby given that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session for leave to bring in a Bill